For many years we have been trying to find ways how to be responsible, both in business and our lives. To be responsible to ourselves, people around us and our planet. We know (from our own experience) that it´s a difficult journey, often painful and with a lot of dead ends. But we believe this is the right way to go. Moreover this way is the only one that will allow us and our children to survive on our planet at all and be part of a world where it is worth living.
That´s why we decided to support this change not only by our own example, development and support of projects with positive impact that make sense , but by helping companies to avoid dead ends above all. By helping companies to make the changes in this direction successful and to be convinced that these paths may even be more profitable in the short term than other paths.
We believe that every change begins within each of us. And only then can it manifest itself externally. In changing our behavior towards others. In changing the culture of the company. In changing the approach to our surroundings and to the whole planet.
Our vision is a world where companies that behave responsibly towards their people, themselves and the planet, win.
Thanks to this we believe companies will naturally attract better people than competitors who will be happy to stay with them for longer time. As a result they will gain clear customer preferences and generate more interesting profits than their standard competitors.
Our strategy is to help companies achieve changes in sustainability and principles for the circular economy. We believe we know how to do it. It works and that´s why we know our work has an impact not only directly on the behavior in teams but also on their families and immediate surroundings. That´s what we are looking for..
We also know the real cultural change cannot be achieved in an isolation but only through changes in individual companies. That´s why we develop, initiate, support and implement Projects with overlap.
Respect means humility and responsibility for us. We feel it to ourselves, to the people and to everything around us.
We treat each other like we are a family. We support each other, we provide the background and safety, the health, happiness and success of others, including you.
We respect (your) natural processes, let ourselves be inspired by them and help create new processes that will be their natural evolution.
We want to be better and help others to be better.
We do things the way we and you enjoy it. We put importane into important things but we don´t take ourselves seriously.
We try to look at each act and each action positively and understand what is behind it before we start judging and evaluating.
We enjoy learning of everything new and we believe that in any relationship including a relationship with you we always learn from each other.
We believe that only a change that respects the principle of balance can succeed.
Respect means humility and responsibility for us. We feel it to ourselves, to the people and to everything around us. We believe any action has and must be preceded by knowledge. Knowledge of ourselves, the people around us and the influences that our actions can have on our surroundings. Therefore, before we do anything with you, we will do our best to build together on the existing solid foundations – your existing processes and the talents of your people – and not expend energy, work and resources where they have already been spent.
We treat each other like we are a family. We support each other, we provide the background and safety, the health, happiness and success of others, including you. We also say things straight out. Sometimes we even argue in a healthy way to clarify things and make our relationships stronger and cleaner. If you become our clients or partners, you become part of our family.
We are close to nature. And we have a great respect for her. At the same time it means freedom, energy and endless inspiration for us. Freedom that ends where the freedom of the other begins. The energy that every birth and growth radiates when we learn to respect its natural cycles. The inspiration that intuition gives us when we learn to listen to it. We respect (your) natural processes, let ourselves be inspired by them and help create new processes that will be their natural evolution.
We believe that we are each here to grow. To be better. And the process never ends. And it doesn't matter if we're talking about a single person, a team, or a community of any size. And it's not primarily about money or business results. Because we believe that if we get better, the corresponding money and the results will inevitably come.
We do things the way we and you enjoy it. We put importane into important things but we don´t take ourselves seriously. We are convinced that even very serious and important things can be solved wih ease, humor and foresight. We use tools that will entertain your and take the flaps out of your eyes with the help of humor and insight. For the seemingly unsolvable, you will often find a solution by snapping your fingers.
We believe that the vast majority of people are good and their actions are motivated by the effort for better world. The fact that it doesn´t look so often at first sight is due to the point of view and due to the lack of understanding of the real causes. We try to look at each act and each action positively and understand what is behind it before we start judging and evaluating. Thanks to that we manage to get to the common ship faster and more truly.
Together our team has more than 200 years of business experience and we are more than 350 years old J Nevertheless we know that knowledge (especially ourselves) and learning will never stop. We enjoy learning of everything new and we believe that in any relationship including a relationship with you we always learn from each other.
Balance is a state where the system works naturally for us. In this state it needs the least energy to maintain. We believe that only a change that respects the principle of balance can succeed. We respect the balance of relationships, work and privacy, technology and nature… We will use all our talents, skills and knowledge so that every change we make together leads to balance.